In my previous question, I asked about how to handle Grassmann-number variations of operators. I read a book that uses those variations $\delta \Phi = c \mathbb{1}$, with $c$ being a grassmann number (which, from what I understood, ist meant to be not an operator, but just a grassmann number, and $\mathbb{1}$ being the unity operator of the the hilbert space that all the other operators do act on (which I understood to be a vector space over the complex Numbers). Since all the other operators in the field theory are simply operators over $\mathbb{C}$, I thought that $\delta \Phi$ must be an operator over $\mathbb{C}$ as well. So here is my question:
For a given Field-Operator $\Phi$ (which is an operator operating on a $\mathbb{C}$-vectorspace, can I represent grassmann-number valued variations $(c \mathbb{1})$ (with $c$ being a grassmann variable) of this operator by an other operator, operating solely on a $\mathbb{C}$-vectorspace as well?
If not, how can we vary fermionic fields in the way it is described in my last question? Is adding a $c$-valued operator to a grassmann-number-valued operator even a valid operation?