In Hartree Fock equations, The concept of Pauli exclusion principle is included in the exchange term (writing the wave function in a Slater determinant form, causes the exchange term). I have written a code in which I am using the SCF method to solve Hartree-Fock equations for electrons inside a 1 dimensional infinite quantum Well, and I am using Sin functions as the initial wave functions. My energies are converging and It can find the ground state energies.
My question: To test my code, I was thinking to set the potential equal to zero and only keep h1, which is the hamiltonian of a single particle in a 1D infinite square Well. So that I can compare the numerical results (computed wave functions) from my code with the simple 1D infinite square Well wave functions for which I know the analytical solution. The problem is by doing that I am loosing the exclusion term (which has the fermionic behavior of particles in its heart). Does any one have any suggestion how can I turn off the interction potential and still maintain the fermionic behavior of particles?