I'm a bit confused about Lorentz group representations. I see that Lorentz group is non compact and therefore there is no faithful irreducibile unitary finite dimensional representation. In fact I can see that rotation group generators are antihermitian, while boost generators are hermitian and because of this the representation is not unitary. The same thing is in Dirac representation.
When I introduce Poincaré group, I see that translation operator acts upon $C_{\infty}$ functions, so I also need generators for boosts and rotations that may give a infinite representation of lorentz group; I therefore use generic angular momentum operator.
My question is, why don't I have infinite dimensional representation also for spinors? Is it because spinorial representation of Lorentz group act on spin degrees of freedom only?
Moreover, in "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory" by Peskin and Schroeder at page 41 it says: "In fact the Lorentz group, being non compact, has no faithful, finite-dimensional representations that are unitary. But that does not matter to us, since $\psi$ is not a wavefunction; it is a classical field." What does this mean?! I'm confused!