I have to write the action in superfield for SM with the Higgs, but I have problems with the mass term.
This is what I have (I don't know if it is right):
$S_{1}$ is the part of the Lagrangian concerns with the kinetic term of the gauge field. In this case we have 8 gauge fields, gluons ($SU(3)$) in $W_{\alpha}=W_{\alpha}^{a}(t^{a})_{ij}$, $a=1,2,...,8.$ Analogously for $V_{\alpha}$ where we have 3 gauge fields related with weak interaction ($SU(2)$) and a gauge field for the $U(1)$ algebra.
Now we want to introduce matter fields.
$\bullet$(3,2,1/6) left handed quark doublet (A)
$\bullet$($\bar{3}$,1,-2/3) right handed up-type anti-quark (B)
$\bullet$($\bar{3}$,1,1/3) right handed down-type anti-quark (C)
$\bullet$(1,2,-1/2) left handed lepton doublet (D)
$\bullet$(1,1,1) right handed anti-lepton (E)
$\bullet$(1,2,1/2) Higgs ($H_{u}$)
$\bullet$(1,2,-1/2) Higgs ($H_{d}$)
The action related to the matter, Here $N,M=1,2,3$ and $I,J=1,2$.
$\bullet$ $S_{A}=\bar{A}^{NI}\left(e^{V_{W}\oplus V_{V}}\right)_{NI}^{MJ}A_{MJ}\vert_{\theta\theta\bar{\theta}\bar{\theta}}=\bar{A}^{NI}\left[\left(e^{V_{W}}\right)_{N}^{M}\otimes\left(e^{V_{V}}\right)_{I}^{J}\right]A_{MJ}\vert_{\theta\theta\bar{\theta}\bar{\theta}}$
$\bullet$ $S_{B}=B^{N}\left(e^{-V_{W}}\right)_{N}^{M}\bar{B}_{M}\vert_{\theta\theta\bar{\theta}\bar{\theta}}$
Adding them we get a SUSY Lagrangian without the Higgs. But I don't know how to add the Higgs (Yukawa terms).