I am not a physist, so please forgive my ignorance. I am an avid reader of popular science though. So I read about the problem of information seemingly lost at a black hole horizon.
But my question is about the creation of the information. My limited understanding is that our Univers had a very low entropy at creation and the entropy of the entire Univese is increasing (is it a closed system where second law is applicable?). At the same time the information - presumably present at the creation - is preserved.
The question is: can/does new information arise as a result of local organization - as in dynamic equlibrium for example? Or is it neseccary that the overall increasing entropy results in a zero sum? In later case - can the increase of entropy be equated to the information contained in the newly created order. I suspect that the observer has something to do with that. But the observer itself contains the information. Is it a paradox?