I am currently trying to understand section 3.3 from this article, about how to use second quantization techniques in statistical mechanics. Here I have the creation and annihilation operators defined as:
$$ \hat a \left |n \right > = n \left |n-1 \right >$$ $$ \hat a ^\dagger \left |n \right > = \left |n+1 \right >$$ $$ \langle n | m\rangle = m! \delta _{nm} $$
The definition is slightly different from the usual in quantum mechanics because comes from the quantization of a classical system in a lattice (see the article for more details). The coherent states are then defined by:
$$ \left | \alpha \right > = \exp(-|\alpha|^2/2+ \alpha\hat a ^\dagger ) \left |0 \right > = \exp(-|\alpha|^2/2) \sum_{n=0} ^{+\infty} \dfrac{\alpha ^n}{n!} \left |n \right >$$
Question: I want to demonstrate the formula (26) of the article, but I don't know how. I translate it here in a more easy notation:
$$ \langle \alpha_1 |\exp(-\lambda H)| \alpha_2 \rangle = \langle \alpha_1| \alpha_2 \rangle \exp(-\lambda\langle \alpha_1 |H| \alpha_2 \rangle) $$
which should be valid as an expansion for $\lambda \rightarrow 0$.
My attempt at the solution:
First I expand the exponential for low $\lambda$,
$$\langle \alpha_1 |\exp(-\lambda H)| \alpha_2 \rangle = \langle \alpha_1| \alpha_2 \rangle -\lambda \langle \alpha_1 |H| \alpha_2 \rangle + \lambda^2 \dfrac{\langle \alpha_1 |H^2| \alpha_2 \rangle}{2!} - \ldots$$
Then we have to work term by term. If, as the text same, there is constant number of particles, then I may assume that the Hamiltonian is a polynomial in number operators, $H=\sum_k H_k \hat n^k$. Now we work the first term, using the definition of the coherent states:
$$ \langle \alpha_1 |H| \alpha_2 \rangle = \exp(-|\alpha_1|^2/2-|\alpha_2|^2/2) \sum_{nm} \dfrac{\left ( \alpha_1 ^{*} \right )^n \alpha_2^m}{n!m!} \langle n|H| m\rangle$$
However, when I include the expression of the Hamiltonian to compute the matrix element, the result is
$$\langle n|H| m\rangle = \sum_k H_k n^k \delta_{nm} m!$$
leading to:
$$\langle \alpha_1 |H| \alpha_2 \rangle = \exp(-|\alpha_1|^2/2-|\alpha_2|^2/2) \sum_{nmk} \dfrac{\left ( \alpha_1 ^{*} \alpha_2\right )^n}{n!} H_k n^k$$
And I cannot write this as an scalar product between the two states $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$. I should extract this as a common factor to recover the exponential from the series... I think I am missing something important, but I don't get it.
Thank you!