As you should know, the Young tableau for the $\bf{2}$ of SU(2) is
of course the following $$\bf{2} =\begin{array}{|r|}
\end{array}.$$ As Qmechanic had said, the singlet is simply the Young tableau with no boxes. It is then trivial that $\bf{2}\otimes \bf{1} = 2$.
If you were looking to practice performing tensor products of representations using Young tableaux, you could also represent the singlet in this representation as
$$\bf{1} =\begin{array}{|r|r|}
\hline y\\
So that
$$\bf{2}\otimes\bf{1} =\bf{2} =\begin{array}{|r|}
\end{array} \otimes \begin{array}{|r|r|}
\hline y\\
The only allowed diagram given by the rules discussed in chapter 12 of Georgi, for reference, is
$$\bf{2}\otimes\bf{1} =\begin{array}{|r| r}
& x|\\
\hline \underline{y}
Here the $x$ and $y$ are boxes but the blank space at the bottom right is not. Using the rules discussed in Georgi, the row on the left vanishes, it is absorbed into a Levi-Civita. The remaining Young tableau is then
$$\bf{2}\otimes\bf{1} =\begin{array}{|r|}\hline
x \\\hline
\end{array} = \bf{2}.$$