I currently read the paper of Guifre Vidal about Entanglement Monotones (link). On page 5 he states the following theorem:
Theorem 1 The maximal probability of success $P(\rho \rightarrow \rho*)$ in the converion of $\rho \rightarrow \rho*$ that the parties can achieve by means of a strategy involving only LQCC [local quantum operations assisted with classical communication] is given by $$P(\rho \rightarrow \rho*)=\min \frac{\mu(\rho)}{\mu(\rho*)}$$ where the minimization is performed over the hole set of all Entanglement Monotones $\mu$.
The proof of this theorem is very short and it seems obvious from Vidal's point of view, but I don't understand it. Can anyone help me to understand this?