The equations [5.27]-[5.31] is a description of a two particle system (one electron, each in a hydrogenic atom). The assumption seems to be that these electrons are distinguishable (see equation [5.28]), but the discussion of these equations below, from "Because $\psi_0$ is a symmetric function, the spin state has to antisymemtric...", seems to assume that we are working with identical fermions, hence required to satisfy the antisymmetrization condition. Why is there this discrepancy?
Proposed Answer: Is the reasoning that even though the equations above assume that the fermions are distinguishable, if we assume that they are identical fermions then we get the same ground state anyway. This follows since the spatial part would be $$\psi_{0}(r_1,r_2) = A[\psi_{100}(r_1)\psi_{100}(r_2) + \psi_{100}(r_1)\psi_{100}(r_2)]$$ which reduces to $$\psi_{0}(r_{1}, r_{2}) = \frac{8}{\pi a^3}e^{\frac{}-2(r_1 +r_2){a}}$$ anyway after normalization?