We absolutely observe this in daily life. Every time you see a motor running, you see the effect of the force of currents on each other. I recommend the following experiment:
Create an apparatus with two parallel conductors (fairly close together) where you can adjust the tension in the wires (like a guitar - but make sure you take care of insulation). "Tune" the tension in the wires to twice the frequency of the mains power in your country (50 Hz or 60 Hz). Then make the wires part of an electrical circuit. You will see them starting to vibrate - confirming that there is a force (with a frequency equal to the frequency of the mains power) between the wires. Why twice? Because if the currents in the two wires are in phase, the direction of force will be the same twice per cycle - so a 50 Hz mains frequency will excite a string tuned to 100 Hz.
Usually, conductors run in pairs, with a fixed distance (insulator) between them. Such a configuration prevents you from noticing the force between them. Note also that the force is not large - $2\times 10^{-7}~\rm{N}$ for two wires that are 1 m apart and carrying 1 A of current. Which makes it hard to notice unless the currents are very large, or you set up a sensitive experiment.