I was studying a textbook: Physical Foundations of Technical Acoustics (referenced by a research paper) and I tried to solve the Laplacian of a wave equation by following the steps given. It was equation (2.35) from page 29:
$$\nabla^2 \Phi = {\frac 1r^2} {\frac\partial {\partial r}} \left(r^2 {\frac{\partial \Phi} {\partial r}}\right)+ {\frac 1{r^2\sin \theta}} {\frac\partial {\partial \theta}} \left(\sin \theta {\frac{\partial \Phi} {\partial \theta}}\right)$$
I did follow the separation of variables method, but I hit the roadblock when I was putting the solutions back together, following equation (2.42) from page 32. The book uses the spherical wave of zero order and substitutes $j_0 ,p_0,$ and $h_0^{(2)} (kr)$.
Using equation (2.42a), $$h_m^{(2)} (kr) = j_m(kr)+i n_m(kr),$$
I obtained: $${\frac {A_0}{kr}(\sin(kr)-i\cos (kr))e^{i\omega t}}$$
Which, in complex notation: $${\frac {A_0}{kr}(ie^{-ikr})e^{i\omega t}}$$
(Why is $i$ attached to the exponent $e$? According to the results below, it shouldn't be there.)
The results disagrees with the solution given by equation (2.43) on page 34: $${\frac {a\Phi_\textrm{max}}{r}e^{i(\omega t-kr-\phi)}}$$
Now the question: Why is the solution different and my answer has an imaginary unit, which makes the solution imaginary? Did I make a fatal mistake?
Side Question: How did $\frac {A_0}{kr}$ become $\frac {a\Phi_\textrm{max}}{r}$ (where did the $k$ go?) and how does the $\phi$ show up in the solution?
It seems that if I put the value of the Bessel function $j_0$ into the Neumann function in equation (2.42a) and vice versa, I will get the solution similar to the book's solution except with the constants. This also goes for another solution in the book with first order waves.
Glossary: $j_m$ Bessel function, $n_m$ Neumann function, $h_m^{(2)}$ Hankel function.
Note: I have given a books.google link for the book. The pages I referenced are accessible.
I obtained: A0kr(sin(kr)−icos(kr))eiωt
is it the possible functions $\Phi$ obtained by using variable seperable? $\endgroup$