I derived the equations of Klein Gordon field, and I find a statement like this:
In quantum field theory, the wave functions that could have had both positive and negative probabilities are used as prefactors in formulae for quantum fields and the positive-energy (and positive-probability) and negative-energy (and negative-probability) solutions for the wave function are treated asymetrically. The latter must be multiplied by the creation operator and the former by the annihilation operators.
In effect, it means that in quantum field theory, we may "create" an arbitrary number of particles in wave functions that are allowed by the first-quantized (one-particle) quantum mechanical theory but we are only allowed to use the positive-energy (positive-probability) wave function to excite the vacuum. The negative-energy ones are multiplied by annihilation operators which annihilate the vacuum so we get no state. (How does QFT interpret the Negative probability problem of the real scalar fields' Klein-Gordon equation?)
The similar statement can also be found in QFT by Peskin P. 26.
My questions are as follows:
$$ \phi \left(\overset{\rightharpoonup }{x},t\right)=\int \frac{d^3\overset{\rightharpoonup }{p}}{(2 \pi )^3}\cdot \left[e^{i p\cdot x} a^{\dagger }{}_{\overset{\rightharpoonup }{p}}+a_{\overset{\rightharpoonup }{p}} e^{-i p\cdot x}\right]\cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 e_{\overset{\rightharpoonup }{p}}}} $$
- I understand that creation operator is the coefficient of negative frequency single wave function, but there is still negative frequency, how this $$ e^{i p\cdot x} a^{\dagger }{}_{\overset{\rightharpoonup }{p}} $$ quantity works?
- I have tried other combinations, and find out that the above solution with creation times negative and annihilation times positive is the only possible to insure the commutator. but why this is the only possible way? Any deep reasons?
- I still don't see how QFT solved the negative energies except for it doesn't mention this issue.