Dirac himself said that his rule only fixes the product qg, in fact you can derive Dirac quantization for any q and g:
Given the "free" QM particle inside a vector potential $\vec{A}$ with hamiltonian:
$i \hbar \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=\frac{1}{2m}\bigl(-i \hbar \nabla - \frac{q}{c}\vec{A}\bigr)^2$
The solution for $\vec{A}\neq0$ is related to the free particle $\psi_0$ solution ($\vec{A}=0$) by a change of phase:
$\psi(x,t)=\bigl( e^{\frac{iq}{\hbar c} \int_0^x \vec{A}(\vec{x}')d\vec{l}} \bigr) \psi_0 = e^{ip_{\Phi}} \psi_0$
independently of the path taken between initial and final point, given that $B=0$. (Assume the path has finite probability) Note that this holds for any electric charge $q$. Now take a Dirac string of thickness $\epsilon$ and magnetic field $\vec{B}_{str}=4\pi g$ that comes from $z=-\infty$ to $z=0$, it can be described by the vector potential that is "rotating around the string":
$\vec{A}_{str}=\frac{2g\theta(r-\epsilon)\theta(-z)}{r} \vec{e}_{\Phi}$
This also holds for any magnetic charge $g$, which is the monopole charge. Now for the string to be unobservable after travelling around the string (take a circular path $\oint\vec{A}_{str}rd\Phi\vec{e}_{\Phi}$ of radius $r$) the phase has to be a multiple of $2\pi$
$p_\Phi=2\pi n = \frac{q}{\hbar c} \oint{\vec{A}_{str}rd\Phi\vec{e}_\Phi}$
One can solve the integral to arrive at Dirac's quantization condition:
$qg=n\hbar c/2$
which, without further specification, only states that "the string is unobservable after a full turn if the Dirac condition is given". The argument holds in both directions. Aditionally, it makes sense to use the already known elementary (electron) charge $q=q_e$ to obtain possible magnetic charge levels $g_n$.
To answer the question, in my opinion one has to additionally assume that magnetic charge does not take continuous values to explain electric charge $q$ quantization. But correct me if I am wrong. There is better derivations of Dirac quantization but this is a good start.
Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.13403 (Chapter 9.)