I have some questions about operators in quantum mechanics. Hopefully these are similar enough that they be asked together.
- We "derive" the operator for momentum in position space by proving that it works for plane waves. How does that show that we've chosen the correct operator for any given wavefunction?
- Is the canonical commutation relation more fundamental than the forms of the momentum and position operators themselves? That is, should one (or could one at least) start from the canonical relation and then prove that $\hat r = r\hat{Id}$ and $\hat p = -i\hbar \nabla$?
- Assuming the we've got the right forms of the position and momentum operators, why should it be that the same relationships that apply to the values of the observables should apply to the operators of the observables? For instance, how do we really know that the velocity operator $\hat v$ should be $\frac{d}{dt}\hat r$ or $\frac{\hat p}{m}$?
- This is less conceptual and more computational, how do we show that $$\frac{d}{dt}\hat r = \frac{dr}{dt}\hat{Id} = \frac{\hat p}{m} = \frac{-i\hbar}{m}\nabla\ ?$$