I want to build a small satilite and launch it into low space orbit. Nothing 'too fancy' a Raspberry Pi to power the systems, camera which'all transmit video and also a radio reviver and transmitter, maybe a small power bank to power the Pi and solar panels to charge that and gyro for stability in space instead of multiple thrusters. Hopefully it should last a few weeks before it burns up. The weight of the satilite would be under 5Kg. Also would radiation cause any short term harm to the electronics?
I was also thinking if I could first launch it with a weather balloon, have a small chemical rocket fire just before the weather balloon pops and then once it's reached micro gravity the rocket falls away and a canister of compressed air can accelerate it from there to a distance where should last a couple weeks.
I was also thinking about ion thrusters but they use a lot of electricity
Would this be possible at all?