First the part 2 of your question, as rightly pointed out by others that in outer space 1) the gravity does contain the gases near earth and 2) the escaped gases has lots of volume to fill hence the density become too low.
Now there is nothing like perfect vacuum. Perfect vacuum means $0$ particles in infinite volume.
Atmospheric pressure i.e. ~$1$ bar ($10^3$ mili bar or mbar) has ~$10^{19}$ particles per cc. If you remove the 10% of the atoms from a box nearly 0.9 bar pressure is applied on that box, and if you remove 99% of atoms nearly 1 bar pressure is applied. Hence in terms of pressure $10$ mbar is nearly perfect vacuum.
As pointed out by others a vacuum chamber is required to create vacuum. Vacuum chamber is a vessel which prevents the outside air to fill in and a pump is connected to the chamber which suck the inside air out.
Usually the vacuum chamber is sealed by rubber or metal seals which fills the gap in metal plates and helps in creating vacuum. Ideally one can make a permanently sealed vacuum chamber but that would be of no use for experiments.
We can make a vacuum of the order of $10^{-10}$ mbar on the earth, it still has ~$10^6$ particles per cc. These particles are mainly from the evaporation from metal surface of the chamber. You may call $10^{-10}$ mbar nearly a perfect vacuum.
I will be happy to help further
EDIT: In response to your comment
I think you need to read a little bit about kinetic theory of gases. In the first approximation the gas atoms/molecules are treated as billiard balls. When they collide with each other they bounce elastically. When they collide with the walls of a container then they exert the pressure on the wall. In the first approximation the pressure increases linearly with the density of the molecule. The velocity/energy in the gas molecule comes from thermal energy and it is a measure of the temperature.
Now imagine if there is a container where the pressure inside and outside is same then there is no pressure difference. If you decrease the pressure inside the container then the pressure difference increases.
inside pressure $P_{in} \propto n_{in}$
outside pressure $P_{out} \propto n_{out}$
Pressure difference $\Delta P=P_{out}-P_{in}$
in this case max pressure difference is $\Delta P=P_{out}-0=P_{out}$
Hence with increasing vacuum, pressure difference can not increase linearly but tends towards the limiting pressure difference and that is the atmospheric pressure.
Although we neglect the attraction between gas molecules (but it is there), but that will not make any difference.
Due to attraction between gas molecules the actual pressure of a real gas is little bit smaller than the pressure of a ideal gas, This effect is more pronounced at lower temperatures but since we have removed most of the gas molecules hence the distance between gas molecules is quite large and that makes their mutual attraction negligible.
I have to admit that i could not quite understand part of your question
Does a vacuum create pressure?
I think pressure and vacuum are opposite to each other. Vacuum can generate pressure difference but it is actually absence of pressure.
This is also confusing
If yes, why is there no pressure between molecules of gases or any other place like outer space?
I dont think that there is pressure between molecules of gases. When we talk of kinetic theory of gases there are two types of the quantities i.e. macroscopic (things we can feel or measure) and microscopic (the actual processes that is happening on the level of atoms/molecules). Pressure is a macroscopic quantities. There is no pressure between molecules of gases. There is force between the molecules of gases and this force arises due to the collision of molecules. Hence if pressure (or the molecular density) is too low (as in outer space) the collision become more and more improbable and there is no force exerted on the atoms/molecules (for a very long time.)