I was searching for the eigensolutions of the two-dimensional Schrödinger equation
$$\mathrm{i}\hbar \partial_t \mid \psi \rangle = \frac{\mathbf{p}^2}{2m_e}\mid \psi \rangle + V \mid \psi \rangle$$
where the potential is given by $$V(\rho, \varphi)=\begin{cases} V_1 & \rho < R \\ -V_2 & \rho \geq R \end{cases}$$
using a space representation and cylindrical coordinates, $V_i \geq 0$.
I would be happy if someone could point me to a reference or even give the solution here.
Thank you in advance
Request to close the question
As I can see in the comments, questions of this kind seem to be inappropriate.
The eigensolutions are given by something like
$$\psi_m(\mathbf{r},t)=e^{\mathrm{i}(m\varphi-\omega_m t)}\begin{cases} a_m J_m (k_{m,1} \rho) & \rho < R \\ b_m K_m (k_{m,2} \rho) & \rho \geq R \end{cases}$$
where the $a_m$ and $b_m$ can be calculated from the steadiness of $\psi$ and its spatial derivative in $R$. Furthermore, $k_{m,1/2} = \frac1\hbar \sqrt{\pm\,2m_e(\hbar\omega_m - V_{1/2})}$.
I am sorry for any inconvenience.