How does the refractive index of plasma changes with temperature? Temperature is not high enough for new ionization. Would it be like in gas p/T dependence ?
How does the refractive index of plasma changes with temperature? Temperature is not high enough for new ionization. Would it be like in gas p/T dependence ?
Would it be like in gas p/T dependence ?
No, it is much more complicated than this.
How does the refractive index of plasma changes with temperature?
This is an extremely complicated question for numerous nuanced reasons, including (in no particular order):
So it's not just a matter of altering the temperature and observing a different index of refraction. All of the above complications can influence the index of refraction. There is still hope so, as I mention below, but treatment of plasmas with finite temperature can be very tricky.
The simple approach involves looking the plasma beta, $\beta$, given by: $$ \beta = \frac{2 \mu_{o} \ n_{o} \ k_{B} \left( T_{e} + T_{i} \right) }{B_{o}^{2}} \tag{1} $$ where $T_{s}$ is the average temperature of species $s$, $n_{o}$ is the charged particle number density, $B_{o}$ is the quasi-static magnetic field, $\mu_{o}$ is the permeability of free space, and $k_{B}$ is the Boltzmann constant.
Many wave modes are affected by $\beta$ and some depend upon $\beta_{j,s}$, which is the plasma beta of the $j^{th}$ component of particle species $s$. For instance, whistler mode waves have been found to depend upon the parallel (to the quasi-static magnetic field, $\mathbf{B}_{o}$) core beta of the electrons or $\beta_{\parallel,ce}$, which is given by: $$ \beta_{\parallel,ce} = \frac{2 \mu_{o} \ n_{ce} \ k_{B} T_{\parallel,ce} }{B_{o}^{2}} \tag{2} $$ where $n_{ce}$ is the number density of the cold core and $T_{\parallel,ce}$ is the parallel (with respect to $\mathbf{B}_{o}$) component of cold core temperature.
Some modes have stronger/faster growth rates for large $\beta_{j,s}$ while others would damp for the same $\beta_{j,s}$. Short of listing all the scenarios, unfortunately, this is as detailed as the answer can be.
One of the first things discovered by comparing a cold and hot plasma was what are now called Bernstein modes (indirectly discussed at These are a form of cyclotron harmonic wave (for both ions and electrons) that exist solely because the plasma has a finite temperature. In their simplest approximation, they are electrostatic modes propagating orthogonal to $\mathbf{B}_{o}$ with $\Re{\left[ \omega \right]} = n \ \Omega_{cs}$, where $n$ is a single or multiple integers (i.e., they can have a single or multiple frequency peaks), $\Omega_{cs}$ is cyclotron frequency of species $s$. If they propagate at oblique angles to $\mathbf{B}_{o}$, then they become electromagnetic and their frequency falls between integer harmonics of $\Omega_{cs}$.
Some more details can be found at
An example study looked at the effect of a cold core on the growth threshold of the whistler anisotropy instability (i.e., whistler anisotropy instability = whistler mode waves radiated by an instability driven by the free energy due to a temperature anisotropy).
There has been a lot of work done on hot plasmas, including the following recent work:
To determine the index of refraction for a hot plasma, first you follow the same approach as I discussed at and then find the dispersion relation similar to what I described at
For a bi-Maxwellian velocity distribution, you can find all sorts of detailed derivations and results by googling the phrase harris dispersion relation.
When you look into some of these results, you will see why I did not list/write out the resulting index of refraction because it would fill several pages.