How to reduce laser speckle noise for an imaging system that demands integration times of microseconds? I am aware of these two commercial solutions:
- Optotune laser speckle reducer. It has a frequency of 300 Hz, so it wouldn't work.
- Nanophoton SK-11 speckle reducer. It is well suited for lasers with coherence length of at most a few meters, mainly pulsed lasers. We are working with a CW solid-state laser.
Up to now the nearest solution I have found is reported in the paper "Low-loss high-speed speckle reduction using a colloidal dispersion".
Does some one now about another solutions? A commercial one or easy and cheap to implement is preferred
Our application of interest is Raman imaging, and CW laser is the typical illumination source, so for now I going to stick to it.
Following the suggestion of hsinghal and CuriosOne about modulation and AOM, I looked for references about the use of AOM in speckle reduction and I found this paper "Laser speckle reduction based on angular diversity induced by Piezoelectric Benders" that seems promising. I'll let you know if we decide to give it a try.