I'm getting confused by the Dirac notation. Suppose I have the following two objects.
$$\rho = \sum_k p_k (\rho_A \otimes \rho_B) = \sum_k p_k |k \rangle \langle k | \otimes |k\rangle \langle k | ,$$
$$A = \sum_{ij} |ii \rangle \langle jj | = \sum_{ij} |i \rangle \langle j | \otimes |i \rangle \langle j | .$$
Here $\rho$ is a seperable density matrix, but $A$ isn't quite a density matrix (missing prefactor).
I wanna write down what $A\rho$ is. Do I just write them all "next to" one another?
$$A\rho \rightarrow \sum_{ijk} p_k |i \rangle \langle j | \otimes |i \rangle \langle j | k \rangle \langle k | \otimes |k\rangle \langle k |$$
This makes no sense, now there's two Kronecker products! So maybe like this?
$$A\rho \rightarrow \sum_{ijk} p_k |i \rangle \langle j |k \rangle \langle k | \otimes |i \rangle \langle j |k \rangle \langle k | = \sum_{ij} p_j |i \rangle \langle j | \otimes |i \rangle \langle j | $$
This looks suspicious to me, but let's go on. Ultimately I want to take the trace:
$$tr A\rho = \sum_{ij} p_j tr \left(|i \rangle \langle j | \otimes |i \rangle \langle j | \right) = \sum_{ij} p_j \delta_{ij} = 1$$
I used the fact that trace of Kronecker product is a product of traces. This seems wrong. I don't like that I got a $1$, because $A$ wasn't a density matrix in the first place. Dividing it by a factor would make it one, but then the trace of the product of two density matrix wouldn't be unity, which it should.
What's the mistake I'm making?