So suppose I have the following Quantum Circuit:
A ---- |Control| -----|Hadamard|----
B ---- |xxxxxxx|------------------------
Which is a 2 input Controlled Gate (applying some gate of two choices to Qubit B, depending on the value of Qubit A) followed by a single Hadamard Gate acting on Qubit A.
Initially the Qubits are in states $$a_0\left| 0 \right> + a_1\left| 1 \right> $$ $$b_0\left| 0 \right> + b_1\left| 1 \right> $$ Respectively. So the combined system is in state
$$ a_0 b_0 \left| 00 \right> +a_0 b_1 \left| 01 \right> + a_1 b_0 \left| 10 \right> + a_1 b_1 \left| 11 \right>$$
At the beginning.
After the application of the controlled Gate, the combined superposition can easily be in a state that CANNOT be factored into a tensor product of two states. Any superposition of the form
$$ q_0 \left| 00 \right> +q_1 \left| 01 \right> + q_2 \left| 10 \right> + q_3 \left| 11 \right>$$
Where $q_0/q_1 \ne q_2/q_3$ for example couldn't be factored into a tensor product.
But now when we apply that Hadamard gate, it is applied onto a single Qubit. What is it doing then? Given that the "state" of a single qubit cannot be independently factored and considered, how does the hadamard gate now affect the state of system?
How this is different than:
Help on applying a Hadamard gate and CNOT to two single q-bits
In the linked question, we are dealing with a factorable state, that then is given a CNOT transform. That computation is obvious since the factorable state (post Hadamard) can be expressed as:
$$a_0\left| 0 \right> + a_1\left| 1 \right> $$ $$b_0\left| 0 \right> + b_1\left| 1 \right> $$
yielding superposition state:
$$ a_0 b_0 \left| 00 \right> +a_0 b_1 \left| 01 \right> + a_1 b_0 \left| 10 \right> + a_1 b_1 \left| 11 \right>$$
Which can now be easily computed with the $4 \times 4$ CNOT operator.
In our question we go the other way. WE start off with teh application of a $4 \times 4$ controlled operator to generate an entangled superposition
$$ q_0 \left| 00 \right> +q_1 \left| 01 \right> + q_2 \left| 10 \right> + q_3 \left| 11 \right>$$
And now am attempting to determine how the behavior of a gate acting on a SINGLE Qubit affects the whole superposition.
The link is irrelelvant here since our system is no longer factorable as a tensor product of independent superpositions.
What I'm asking can be summarized succinctly as: How can I write a single Qubit operator $O$ (given as a $2 \times 2$ matrix) as a multiQubit operator $O'$ (given as a $2^k \times 2^k$ matrix) that acts as the identity on all inputs except the first where it acts as $O$ traditionally would.
To that end, the question offers no hint of how to go about it.
Work so far
My intuition suggests given the system:
$$ q_0 \left| 00 \right> +q_1 \left| 01 \right> + q_2 \left| 10 \right> + q_3 \left| 11 \right>$$
We can artificially believe that the first qubit is in the state
$$ (q_0 + q_1) \left| 0 \right> + (q_2 + q_3) \left| 1 \right> $$
And that the entire superposition is in:
$$ (q_0 + q_1) \frac{q_0}{q_0 + q_1}\left| 00 \right> +(q_0 + q_1) \frac{q_1}{q_0 + q_1} \left| 01 \right> + (q_2 + q_3) \frac{q_2}{q_2 + q_3} \left| 10 \right> + (q_2 + q_3) \frac{q_3}{q_2 + q_3} \left| 11 \right>$$
So when we apply the Hadamard to the Qubit we send:
$$ (q_0 + q_1) \left| 0 \right> + (q_2 + q_3) \left| 1 \right> $$
$$ \frac{q_0 + q_1+q_2 + q_3}{\sqrt{2}} \left| 0 \right> + \frac{q_0 + q_1-q_2 - q_3}{\sqrt{2}} \left| 1 \right> $$
And thus the entire system now is in:
$$ \frac{q_0 + q_1+q_2 + q_3}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{q_0}{q_0 + q_1}\left| 00 \right> +\frac{q_0 + q_1+q_2 + q_3}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{q_1}{q_0 + q_1} \left| 01 \right> + \frac{q_0 + q_1-q_2 - q_3}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{q_2}{q_2 + q_3} \left| 10 \right> + \frac{q_0 + q_1-q_2 - q_3}{\sqrt{2}} \frac{q_3}{q_2 + q_3} \left| 11 \right>$$
But I'm not sure why I would rigorously believe this.
(Renormalize where necessary)