I have a simple question on wave reflection.
I know that if I have a progressive monochromatic EM wave and a mirror, the reflected wave will be opposite in phase on the mirror to assure a total E field equal to 0 on the mirror.
But when I think about summation of two progressive waves (in opposite directions), I have :
$$\textrm{Im} \left(e^{i(kx-\omega t)}+e^{i(kx+\omega t)}\right)=2\sin(kx)\cos(\omega t)$$
Cool, I have a stationary wave.
If I study these two propagative functions and I want to see where they cancel (the place where my mirror would be), I have : $kx-\omega t=kx+\omega t+\pi$
And it gives : $2\omega t=\pi$.
So I don't understand, when I study this equation I see that it is not possible to have a mirror because if there would have a mirror, I would have the equation $2\omega t=\pi$.
Could anyone help me ?