I think I did not understand the use of the work energy theorem. Here is a situation I am confused about.
Consider an object moving in the $xy$ plane with a constant velocity $\vec{v_0}$ at an angle $\phi_0$, with no forces present at all. There is a region around the $y$ axis where there is a force $f$ that depends only on the $x$ coordinate, not on the $y$ coordinate or time. The force is always parallel to the $x$ axis ($f_y=0$). After the object passes through the region it has a (constant) velocity $\vec{v}$ at an angle $\phi$.
If $\mid\vec{v_0}\mid$, $\mid\vec{v}\mid$ and $\phi_0$ are given, how to determine $\phi$?
I can use the work energy theorem to determine the amount of work done by the force $W=\Delta K$. Nevertheless I can't see how to use it for a variation of the angle, since in that case the perpendicular component of the force (no work done) counts. So maybe that's not the way, but I don't know anything about the force, except that it is not constant, the amount of work done and the orientation, I don't see where to get information from.
Does anyone have suggestion or hints for this problem?