A question like this has already been asked, with a satisfying explication (the relative motion of the source and the observer with respect to the medium (air) is different), but without a derivation on the ground of the problem.
When a source is moving and the observer (receiver) at rest, the frequency $f_\text{r}$ measured is $$f_\text{r}=f_\text{o}\left(\frac{v_\text{o}}{v_\text{o}+v_\text{s}}\right) (1) $$with $v_\text{s}$ the velocity of the source.
When the observer is moving and the source at rest, frequency $f_\text{r}$ measured is $$f_\text{r}=f_\text{o}\left(\frac{v_\text{o}-v_\text{r}}{v_\text{o}}\right) (2)$$ with $v_\text{r}$ the velocity of the receiver (observer).
I have no idea, but is it (easy) possible to derive formula (2) from formula (1) (or inverse) taking into account that the motion of the source and the receiver is relative?