I have the Kitaev chain tight-binding Hamiltonian into the BdG formalism (like the one in the "Bulk-edge correspondence in the Kitaev chain" section of Week 1 of this course http://www.topocondmat.org/) :
$H_{BdG}=-\sum_n \mu \tau_z\left|n\right\rangle\left\langle n\right|-\sum_n \left[(t\tau_z+i\Delta\tau_y)\,\left|n\right\rangle\left\langle n+1 \right| + \textrm{h.c.}\right].$
In the topological phase ($\mu < 2t$) we get two zero-energy solutions by diagonalizing the above matrix and if the go to the trivial phase ($\mu > 2t$) these two states will "split" into a pair with $\pm E$ due to the particle-hole symmetry of the system. Due to the redundancy of the formalism we look only at the excitations with positive energies, my question is: each zero-energy eigenstate is a single Majorana mode or a fermionic mode at zero energy? When two Majoranas fuse together we should take only the $+E$ eigenstate? The eigenvalues are ploted in the image below where I used $N=10$ sites with $\Delta=t=1.0$ and varied $\mu$.