I've been reading up on the internet as to why the sky is blue. The answer usually cites Rayleigh scattering that I've checked on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh_scattering:
$$ I=I_0 \frac{1+\cos^2\theta}{2R^2}\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^4\left(\frac{n^2-1}{n^2+2}\right)^2\left(\frac{d}{2}\right)^6 $$
This answer raises more questions in my mind, that I hope some people can help to answer.
First of all, I can't understand the $\lambda^{-4}$ dependence in that equation. It means that the scattered intensity goes to infinity as $\lambda\to 0$. It also means that the observed intensity $I$ can be greater than the incident intensity $I_0$.
On several web pages, the $\lambda^{-4}$ dependence has been cited to explain why the sky is blue, but that doesn't make sense either. According to this reasoning the sky should be purple or indigo which has a higher frequency than blue. I've seen another explanation online that says that the sunlight impinging on our atmosphere has less indigo frequency than blue. However I can see the indigo part of a rainbow; it doesn't seem significantly dimmer than the blue part, so sunlight must have a decent indigo frequency content and as mentioned, the 4th power is a very strong dependency. This argument says that the sky ought to be indigo.
A second question I have is concerning the angle dependency. $1+\cos^2 \theta$ has a maximum at zero and at 180, and a minimum at 90 degrees. According to this dependency the sky should look brightest when looking at 0 degrees (towards the sun), and 180 degrees (with the sun to your back), but it should have half the intensity at 90 degrees. This doesn't match with our experience of the sky. Given the hand-wavy nature of the explanations, I wonder if Rayleigh scattering truly is the explanation for why the sky is blue.