Let $\sigma_i (\frac{3}{2})$ be the three generators of the irreducible spin 3/2 representation of $SU(2)$ (see http://easyspin.org/documentation/spinoperators.html for their explicit forms). Similarly, $\sigma_i (\frac{1}{2})$ are the usual Pauli matrices.
I have reasons to believe that it should be possible to perform a basis transformation such that the spin 3/2 matrices can be related to the spin 1/2 matrices as follows:
$U\sigma_i (\frac{3}{2})U^{-1}=\sigma_i(\frac{1}{2})\otimes B_i$
For some unitary $U$ and some matrices $B_i$. [EDIT: the single unitary $U$ must make this relation hold for all $i$] Evidently, $B_i$ must be 2 x 2 hermitian matrices with eigenvalues 1 and 3, modulo signs.
Is there any reason such a transformation should not be possible? If it is possible, is there an easy way to find a $U$ which satisfies this?