Interesting question which even made me laugh. As already pointed out the Power of an hurricane is too high to be connected to any grid. My laugh came about this; "Giant heaters out to sea which dump heat into sea water?" -Why?
Because it's basically the heat of the sea which feeds the energy to the Hurricane, and thus this kind of system would not do anything. The main rotation would simply happen above these wind turbines. To understand this all, we need to study the Functionality of a Hurricane;
Basically the Heat of the sea has too high Pressure compared to the upper atmosphere pressure. Heat is radiated to the space, and the clouds reflect the Sun's energy back. This causes an extreme cooling of the atmosphere, and thus amazingly low pressures there.
"High Pressure"/Temperature in Sea, Low Pressure/Temperature on Sky. This is the primary cause to drives the Hurricane. It's simply nature's way to balance this difference.
So the point of this Question is this;
It's the physics underlying the design of turbines whose purpose would basically be to slowing air velocity, rather than increasing it.
As mentioned above, with Turbine blades and Generators, it would be impossible. There is simply no place you could put the energy in to.
But the question is "Slowing air velocity" and this would be needed to be made in away, which helps the Nature to find it's balance.
The easiest way to Slow down the Air velocity is to reduce the Pressure difference, which causes the velocity in the first place. The nature does it by evaporation. But it could be made more efficiently by sort of mechanical Transpiration.
If the Energy of Windmills is used to pump and spray the sea water behind the Turbine, the sum of "Evapotranspirated" water would be increased enormously. The airpressure difference at the windturbine would be locally decreased, and this would thus even protect the windturbine from the highest winds.
But the Water condensates behind the blades, like seen in airplanes?
Yes it does, but the reason is temperature. The velocity is increased, and thus the pressure drops, but also the temperature. The Pressure drop Increases the vaporization, it's the Tempereture drop, which forces it to condensate.
So behind the Windturbine, there is quite optimal Conditions to vaporize water.
The energy amount of energy, which must be dissipated is extreme;
If we calculate with 60 TW, we should produce 26 500 000 kg Watervapour / second.
Let's look what A single Windpowerplant could do;
6 MW WindTurbine has 126 m turbine diameter, and maybe it's tower is 100 m High.
It reaches the Nominal Power at 14 m/s Windspeed. Cut out at 30 m/s. As Wind power goes to V^3, the Peak-Power is mostly only a Grid connection problem.
The Area of this Turbine is 12500 m2, and with 14 m/s the wind Power is (With Betzlaw) 13.2 MW, so the Turbine works with approx 50% efficiency. Thus only with 18.5 m/s and 30% efficiency, it would be already really realistic to have 3 MW power to pump Water.
If the Water is pumped to 100 m hight, and as we want to vaporize it, we need to use 100 bar pressure; this means total 110 bar, or 1100 m Pressure head. With 3 MW could be pumped 278 kg/s. If simple Sprinkler nozzle would be enough, then with 20 bar the amount could be 1529 kg/s; The dissipation power is 3 470 MW, which with 30 MW Brt-power of Windturbine sums up quite exacatly to 3.5 GW.
ANSWER; 11.6% of the energy of the 600 TW Biggest Hurricanes;
70 TW could be dissipated with 20 000 Windturbines. The costs of these Turbines would be 120 Billion Dollars, which sums up to be approximately the same order as The costs of Hurricane Katarina. The Peak power production might just be absorbable 120 GW, as the Average Consumption in USA is 500 GW.
But this means that the Waterspraying has a postive impact, otherwice this idea is Nonsense.