First of, I would like to say that I have tried this question, and have my answer as well, just not sure such a method of obtaining the answer is valid or not, therefore trying to look for help here. By the way, I am new here, prior apology for any violation of rules and regulation (and poor question expression as well).
Here's the question:
In the gas equation:
$(p + \frac{a}{V^2}) (V-b) = RT$,
where $p$, $V$, and $T$ are the pressure, volume and gas temperature, respectively.
Determine the dimensions of $a$ and $b$.
Note: The $R$ is not specified, suppose it should be a constant.
Here's my approach of answer:
Due to possibility of temperature being at absolute 0, therefore $RT$=0 is possible.
With that, I let $(p + \frac{a}{V^2})=0$, $(V-b)=0$
(Dimensional analysis working)
The answer turns out to be:
[$a$]=(M) (L$^5$) (T$^{-2}$), [$b$]=L$^3$
Just wondering such approach of answer is valid or not, if not, what should it be. Replies are greatly appreciated. By the way, how to use MathJax here? I have very very limited of knowledge on html as well, thank you.