When finding the period of a pendulum beyond the small angle approximation, we have to use integration for small interval of $\theta$ and elliptical integration.
I was trying to apply this situation for the driven pendulum. When using small angle approximation, the equation of motion would be like below. $$I \ddot{x}(t)+b \dot x(t)+m g l x(t)=F\cos(\omega t)$$
- $I$ : moment of inertia
- $b$ : damping coefficient
- $m$ : mass
- $g$ : gravity acceleration
- $l$ : distance between CM of the system and the origin of rotation
- $F$ : amplitude of external force
- $\omega$ : angular frequency of external force
- $x$ : angular displacement
- $t$ : time
When not using small angle approximation, above equation would be changed. $$I \ddot x(t)+b\dot x(t)+m g l\sin(x(t))=F\cos(\omega t)\cos(x(t)).$$ Then, how do I solve this differential equation? I tried to simulate the result with Mathematica's DSolve, but it didn't show the solution. Although I plotted the graph with NDSolve, I want to know the way to solve that differential equation.