
Could somebody explain how one can derive the symmetry factor both by counting possible contractions and by looking at the symmetry of a diagram. Consider for example this diagramenter image description here

in $\phi^4$-theory with $\mathcal{L}_\text{int} = -\frac{\lambda}{4!}\phi^4$.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ More on symmetry factors of Feynman diagrams. $\endgroup$
    – Qmechanic
    Commented Dec 2, 2014 at 21:17
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I've seen the other three questions. None of them helped me to understand how to tackle a diagram such as the above. $\endgroup$
    – Janosh
    Commented Dec 2, 2014 at 21:39
  • $\begingroup$ Usually you never get anything beyond a two for a symmetry factor for a Feynman diagram. That does not answer your question, I know. So here is a site that will help you. I will give you a site to go to that explains it better than I could in the little space I have. Google, Feynman diagrams Radovan Dermisek, he explains it two different ways. He uses Srednicki's book, but a draft of that book is online for free. After you see it, you will understand why it is not so easy to explain in one post. I think he does a pretty good job of explaining it. Hope it helps! $\endgroup$
    – Reddy15
    Commented Dec 3, 2014 at 13:44
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ I assume, you are referring to these lecture notes. I read parts of them. However, I find that often 'powerpoint style' notes aren't very informative without the person who created them explaining their contents. After all, their main purpose is to back up the person's lecture and allow listeners to write down notes in context during the talk. $\endgroup$
    – Janosh
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 12:12
  • $\begingroup$ I will give Srednicki's book a closer look this weekend. $\endgroup$
    – Janosh
    Commented Dec 4, 2014 at 12:13

3 Answers 3


EDIT: the correct answer is this one.
My examples appear correct just because in this simple case (and in a few others) the method I presented ends up calculating the $|G|$ factor that the other answer mentions; it does not work in general, with any number of vertices or external legs (and if a method only works "sometimes", we can safely say that it doesn't work).
I will just leave it here for completeness of discussion.

The procedure is quite simple: the symmetry factor counts how many of the same diagrams you would be counting if you didn't consider that the single particles in your diagrams are identical. To do this, ask yourself "how many of this same diagram can I make?" where "same diagram" means "same external particles, same connections, and same vertices". To do this you want to

  • draw only the external particles and the vertices, leaving other particle lines "unconnected"
  • pick one of the unconnected lines: in how many ways can you connect it so that you have the desired diagram? Count them, and then connect it in one of the ways you just found (doesn't matter which one)
  • continue for the other unconnected lines, minding that now some of the earlier possible connections will be "taken"
  • the product of all the numbers you found is your symmetry factor, and its inverse is to be multiplied by your diagram in the perturbation series

To work with your example in $\lambda\phi^4$ theory: enter image description here

  • external particles and vertices drawn
  • I picked the upper left line, and to make the desired diagram I can connect it either in the blue or orange way: so my number is two, and I write it down. Now I pick the blue connection (but I could've picked the orange)
  • now I move on to the lower left line, but there is only one possible connection to be drawn: the green one, so I write one
  • the symmetry factor is therefore $2\times 1=2$

Or yet another example: enter image description here

  • external particles and vertices drawn
  • I picked the upper left line, and to make the desired diagram I can connect it either in the blue, orange, or green way: so my number is three, and I write it down. Now I pick the blue connection (but I could've picked the orange or green)
  • now I move on to the center left line, but there are two possible connections to be drawn, so I write two
  • ...
  • the symmetry factor is therefore $3\times 2 \times 1=3!=6$
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ But how does this work if we want to determine the symmetry factor of a double loop (8)? $\endgroup$
    – Silas
    Commented Nov 16, 2022 at 21:01
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Silas what do you mean by "double loop (8)"? $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 16, 2022 at 21:46
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ For the vacuum process $\int\mathrm{d}^4xD_F(x-x)D_F(x-x)$ (looks like 8 or infinity) we have only one vertex but I don‘t know how to get the symmetry factor $S=8$ with this technique. $\endgroup$
    – Silas
    Commented Nov 16, 2022 at 22:14
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ It would be 8, right? $\endgroup$
    – Guy
    Commented Jul 2, 2023 at 19:01
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ "The procedure is quite simple." No, unfortunately, you are wrong the procedure being "simple." And your answer is wrong. $\endgroup$
    – hft
    Commented Sep 24 at 16:38

Keep the external points $x_i$ fixed and look at the exchanging of propagators for the virtual particles. In this case there the factor is $2$ since you can only exchange them once and get the same diagram.


First a warning: Despite 19 upvotes and no correction for 3 years, Mauro's answer is wrong, which shows just how confusing symmetry factors are. I do thank Mauro for giving me the inspiration for the picture below. Mauro's method gives the correct answer for his two examples, but it looks like an accident, as the method is incorrect for the one-loop diagram with one vertex and two external edges, or for the figure 8 vacuum bubble, or for various other diagrams.

I will give a foolproof method to determine the symmetry factor. I will then give the see-it method and how the two methods relate (thus elaborating on this answer). I personally prefer the foolproof method, as it actually leads to understanding. I will present it for $\frac{\lambda}{4!}\phi^4$ theory, but the method easily generalizes.

The foolproof method

Let's say you have a diagram with $V$ vertices and $n$ external edges.

When computing an $n$-points function, the factor to put in front of your diagram is $$\frac{C}{V!*(4!)^V},$$ a fraction of two large numbers which typically largely cancel out (see below), yielding 1/`the symmetry factor'.

Here, $C$ is the number of full contractions of $\phi(x_{\text{ext},1})\cdots\phi(x_{\text{ext},n})\int\phi(x_1)^4{\rm d}x_1\cdots\int\phi(x_V)^4{\rm d}x_V$ that yield the given diagram when attaching $x_{\text{ext},k}$ to the $k$th external edge (recall that in a Feynman diagram the vertices are indistinguishable, and for each vertex the outgoing half-edges are indistinguishable, but the external edges are actually distinguishable or `fixed', when you are interested in $n$-points functions $\langle\phi(x_{\text{ext},1})\cdots\phi(x_{\text{ext},n})\rangle$ as I'm assuming.)

In math terms: Every partition of $\{1,\ldots,n+4V\}$ into blocks of two can be mapped to a Feynman diagram by drawing an external half-edge for the elements $1,\ldots,n$, drawing a vertex with four half-edges for $n+1,\ldots,n+4$, another for $n+5,\ldots,n+8$, et cetera, until the last vertex with half-edges $n+4V-3,\ldots,n+4V$, and finally connecting all the half-lines that are in the same block of the partition. With regards to this map, $C$ is the number of partitions of $\{1,\ldots,n+4V\}$ into blocks of two, that are in the pre-image of your diagram.

Where does it come from? The numerator $C$ comes from Wick's theorem, or more precisely Isserlis' theorem. The denominator comes from expanding the exponential of $\frac{1}{4!}\int\phi^4$ in the usual way: you get terms $\frac{1}{V!}(\frac{1}{4!}\int\phi^4)^V$. The funny thing is, you could have chosen a different prefactor than $1/4!$ and ended up with different rules for symmetry factors.

How to do it in practice? To calculate $C$, I start with drawing the external half-lines (I number them to make it clear that they are distinguishable), and I draw the vertices with their four half-lines. Then I connect the half-lines one by one, while multiplying the number of possibilities of connecting the half-lines for which you would get the same graph: see the picture below. I start with connecting external line number 1. It always adds a factor of $V*4$. (Check if you see why!) Then I connect external line number 2, which always either adds a factor of $(V-1)*4$ or a factor of 3. (Check!) I keep going until all half-lines are connected. In the resulting fraction I keep as much small factors as possible (I write 3*4 and not 12) so that I can easily cross out factors between numerator and denominator. In the OPs example: $$\frac{2*4*3*4*3*2}{2!*(4!)^2}=\frac{1}{2}$$

Counting symmetry factor example picture

Tip: try all the diagrams in the image included in this question so that you can check your answer.

I kind of want you to stop reading here, and just go practice. But the OP asked for it, so here is the second method and its relation to the first.

The see-it method

By some math, you can show that $$\frac{C}{V!*(4!)^V}=\frac{1}{|G|},$$ where $G$ is a certain group of automorphisms, defined below. Computing $|G|$ can be faster once you understand it, but it causes much confusion because authors often don't mention that it secretly employs what I call `fully marked diagrams'.

Fully marked diagrams: In a Feynman diagram, the external edges are distinguishable - for clarity, let us mark them by the numbers $1,\ldots,n$ - but the half-edges on each vertex are indistinguishable, and also the vertices are indistinguishable from each other. In contrast, a fully marked diagram is a Feynman diagram in which we moreover mark the vertices $(1),\ldots,(V)$ and we mark their half-edges $(k,1),(k,2),(k,3),(k,4)$ for all $k=1,\ldots,V$, so that they become distinguishable.

Let $F$ be the map from fully marked diagrams to normal Feynman diagrams by forgetting the markings on the vertices and the internal half-lines.

Let $D$ be any fully marked diagram that is in the pre-image $F^{-1}(\Gamma)$ of your given diagram $\Gamma$. The lines of $D$ induce a partition $P$ (in blocks of size 2) on the half-lines of $D$. The vertices of $D$ induce a partition $\mathcal{V}$ (in blocks of size 4) on the internal half-lines of $D$. Now $G$ is the group of bijections of half-lines of $D$ that leave:

  • $P$ invariant;
  • $\mathcal{V}$ invariant;
  • each external half-line invariant.

Now $|G|$ is your symmetry factor.

How to do it in practice? You look at your diagram, and you imagine that all half-lines are positioned at distinguishable places, let's say each 'place' has a distinct number, and the lines induce a partition on those place-numbers into blocks of two. Then you imagine rearranging the internal half-lines, to position them at potentially other places, but each half-line must stay with their original three neighbour-half-lines on the vertex (in principle, the half-lines may 'jump' to another vertex, but only if they do it with all four of them together, and this is rare). Moreover, you imagine the lines being dragged along with the half-lines. This induces a new partition on the place-numbers. If the new partition is the same as the old, then the rearrangement is valid. The symmetry factor is the number of valid rearrangements you can make. In the OPs example, the only valid rearrangements are the trivial rearrangement (when you do nothing) and the rearrangement that makes the top line and bottom line swap places. So we get $$\frac{1}{|G|}=\frac{1}{2}.$$

Why does this work? Note that $C$ is the number of contractions, i.e., the number of partitions $P$ that yield the given diagram. Each such partition $P$ corresponds in a 1-to-1 way to a fully marked diagram $D$ in $F^{-1}(\Gamma)$. Hence $C=|F^{-1}(\Gamma)|$, and we will now look at a different way to count the number of elements in $F^{-1}(\Gamma)$. For each two fully marked diagrams $D$ and $D'$ in $F^{-1}(\Gamma)$, one can obtain $D'$ from $D$ by rearrangement of half-lines, that is, a bijection of $X=\{1,\ldots,n+4V\}$ fixing $\{1,\ldots,n\}$ that preserves the vertex-partition $\mathcal{V}$. One checks that there are precisely $V!*(4!)^V$ such rearrangements. But some of these rearrangements send $D$ to $D$. By definition, those are the 'valid' rearrangements, and there are $|G|$ of those. Moreover, this number is irrespective of the chosen $D$ from $F^{-1}(\Gamma)$. Hence there are $\frac{V!*(4!)^V}{|G|}$ distinct elements of $F^{-1}(\Gamma)$, and therefore, $C=\frac{V!*(4!)^V}{|G|}$, equivalent to what was claimed.

My two cents: I prefer the first method because it has a direct link to where it comes from, helping fundamental understanding. I see the second method as a clever quick trick, intended to make life easier, but it is too often used without stressing that it uses a different and quite artificial type of isomorphism. Without proper explanation, each time a Feynman diagram passes on the blackboard, the student is left wondering whether its vertices are truly indistinguishable or not. The take-home message should be that Feynman diagrams are just Wick contractions.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ +1 My PhD advisor told me don't even think in terms of symmetry factors (meaning, your fast method), always just go back to the underlying Wick contractions, it is much less confusing and error prone that way. $\endgroup$
    – Andrew
    Commented Sep 24 at 13:54
  • $\begingroup$ I am having some difficulties grasping your answer in-depth, I will reread it with more caution, but I think I understand your "where does it come from". Thanks. What I do not understand is why my method is wrong. Of course, it is not rigorous, like Feynman diagrams themselves are not rigorous but just a picture to help calculations (you're right that "Feynman diagrams are just Wick contractions", which is the real deal). I do not see any counterexample of cases in which your rigorous method yields a different answer than mine. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 25 at 9:32
  • $\begingroup$ Actually, it seems your method fails for all diagrams except (d) in the picture in the question physics.stackexchange.com/q/779002/237156. I suspect that there is a class of diagrams for which your method works by pure accident. It looks like you mixed up the two methods of my post. $\endgroup$
    – Teun
    Commented Sep 25 at 9:57
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Teun ok, now that I've read your answer in detail (sorry for the wait) I do think that you're right. Thank you for bringing clarity to the table! $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22 at 22:40

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