I'm trying to solve the massive Klein-Gordon equation in good old Minkowski space-time: $$(\square + m^2) \phi = \rho(t,\mathbf{x})$$ where $\square = \partial_{\mu} \partial^{\mu} = \partial_{t}^2 - \nabla^2$. So one can use a Green's function approach to find the fundamental solution of the form $$(\square + m^2) \mathscr{G}_{m} = \delta(x^{\mu} - x'^{\mu})$$ where $\mathscr{G}_{m}$ is the familar Klein-Gordon propagator. One then obtains the solution $\phi$ in position space, given as the familiar solution $$\phi(x^{\mu}) = \int d^{4} x' \mathscr{G}_{m}(x^{\mu},x'^{\mu}) \rho(t',\mathbf{x}') \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, (\star)$$ I was perfectly happy with this until I needed to to implement an actual $\rho$ and perform the integrals. My best bet so far has been to use the Bessel function representation I found (here: http://functions.wolfram.com/Bessel-TypeFunctions/BesselJ/31/02/) (which I've assumed has a generalisation) of the form: $$\mathscr{G}_{m}(t,t',\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}') = \frac {\theta(t-t')} {2 \pi} \delta\Big( (t-t')^2 - |\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x'}|^2 \Big) - \frac {m} {2 \pi} \theta(t-t' - |\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}'|) \frac {J_{1}(m \sqrt{(t-t')^2 - |\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}'|^2)}} {m\sqrt{(t-t')^2 - |\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{x}'|^2)}}$$ while this is a nice closed form representation, I am still having real difficulty evaluating the integral $(\star)$. I've looked for quite some time in various places for explicit examples of computing the integral, and have so far come up with very little. Mathematica (my computational program of choice) really disdains these Heaviside functions in the integrals, and offers little guidance. The only case I can do so far is $m \mapsto 0$.
Question: Using the representation of $\mathscr{G}_{m}$ given (or another nicer one), how can one actually go about calculating $(\star)$? Has anyone got a reference wherein some explicit example is calculated where $\rho$ goes beyond a simple $\delta$-function? Even something like $\rho = \rho(r,\theta)$ or $\rho = \rho(r)$ would be of great help.