I am studying a perturbed Toric Code model that is not analytically solvable. On a torus the ground state degeneracy of the unperturbed model is 4. Once we turn on the perturbation there is a change in the ground state degeneracy. I would like to detect this change in ground state degeneracy numerically using exact diagonalization techniques.
On my computer I have stored the action of the Hamiltonian on a set of basis states. So if you give me some state $\left|\psi\right\rangle$ I can give you $\hat{H}\left|\psi\right\rangle$ in terms of the basis states. Now I used this information to compute the spectrum using the Lanczos algorithm and the Jacobi-Davidson algorithm. While the spectrum itself is correctly reproduced neither of these algorithms reproduces the degeneracy of the ground state correctly - not even in the unperturbed case.
Hence the following question: What are common exact diagonalization algorithms for this type of many-body system that correctly resolve the degeneracy of the ground state?
I am looking forward to your responses!