My questions might seem naive as I haven't plunged into the mathematical descriptions, but wormholes are interesting even if I don't actually know them :)
First of all, is wormhole making two possible paths betwwen points (like the tunnel in most visualisations) or is it just making two points beside each other like in the game Portal? Of course, second case can be bent into a tunnel, but there would be nothing special about tunnel part and no preferred way to divide into "normal" and "tunnel" part of spacetime.
My main questions are these:
- Is momentum conserved?
- Is kinetic energy conserved?
- How does potential energy work?
To elaborate... In the game Portal you can fall into floor and fly out of the wall or floor elsewhere with the same speed, but another direction (normal to the portal). So momentum is not conserved, but kinetic energy is. Is that how it would actually work? Where does the momentum go then?
And does it really allow you to increase your potential energy while retaining kinetic? It would seem fair to take away some kinetic energy if you are put in a region where you have more potential energy.
Either way is the change in energy non-continuous like in the game and discussion that's linked below? Or are there just more than one way to move through but the change in potential energy is smooth in any of those? That would mean more potential equilibrium points though...
Similar questions has been discussed here, is it correct about how the falling guys gets a lot of energy (in form of a potential one) by draining it from the mouths?