From the Pauli's Exclusion Principle no two electrons in a bound system have all same quantum numbers. This means that an electron can be uniquely specified by the four quantum numbers and hence can be distinguished from others.
I understand we still will not be be able to tell 'which electron' has that set of quantum numbers. So for instance, we cannot tell apart ; electron $1$ having $\{n,m,l,+s\}$ and electron $2$ having $\{n,m,l,-s\}$ from electron $1$ having $\{n,m,l,-s\}$ and electron $2$ having $\{n,m,l,+s\}$.
But why does that matter? We don't need 'electron-$1$' and 'electron-$2$' labels . We can just tag the electron as 'electron -$\{n,m,l,+s\}$' and so on.
To J Murray's comment:
This is from the Tony Genault book on statistical mechanics and this is what I meant in my comment.
In this chapter we shall treat the other type of assembly, in which the particles are distinguishable. The physical example is that of a solid rather than that of a gas. Consider a simple solid which is made up of N identical atoms. It remains true that the atoms themselves are indistinguishable. However, a good description of our assembly is to think about the solid as a set of N lattice sites, in which each lattice site contains an atom. A ‘particle’ of the assembly then becomes ‘the atom at lattice site 4357 (or whatever)’. (Which of the atoms is at this site is not specified.) The particle is distinguished not by the identity of the atom, but by the distinct location of each lattice site. A solid is an assembly of localized particles, and it is this locality which makes the particles distinguishable.
I am interested specifically in the line:
The particle is distinguished not by the identity of the atom, but by the distinct location of each
I can simply rephrase it as:
"The particle is distinguished not by the identity of the atom, but by the distinct quantum numbers of each."
Since even in the initial case of solid, we don't care whether its the same atom at a particular lattice when we look at it the second time but that it is the 'atom at lattice 1435 etc'