Following Polchinski's book (String Theory 1), we have the $bc$ action:
$$S = \frac{1}{2 \pi}\int~d^2z ~b\bar \partial c,\tag{2.5.4}$$
where $b$ and $c$ have holomorphic weights $\lambda$ and $1- \lambda$.
From this action, it is said, that applying the Noether's theorem, we get the energy-momentum tensor:
$$T(z) = :(\partial b)c: - \lambda \partial(:bc:)\tag{2.5.11a}$$
With $\lambda=2$ (and so a holomorphic central charge $c=-26$), one has the correct Operator Product Expansions for Fadeev-Popov ghosts : $T(z) b(z)$ and $T(z)c(z)$, with holomorphic weights $(2,-1)$ so it is coherent, but, in fact, I am not able to apply the Noether's theorem/ Ward identities formalism used in chapter 2.3.
[So here, we may take $\lambda = 2$ for simplicity.]
(This question is related, while different, to a previous question :
So, the question, is, how get $(2.5.11a)$ from $(2.5.4)$?
I was able to get this:
Starting from action:
$$S = \int d^2z g^{ab} b_{bc} \partial_a c^c \tag{1}$$
We make a variation:
$$\delta \sigma^d = \epsilon \rho(\sigma) v^d \tag{2}$$ The variation of the action, relatively to $\partial \rho$, is:
$$\delta S = (\epsilon g^{ab} b_{bc} v^d \partial_d c^c)~\partial_a \rho\tag{3}$$
This corresponds to a current:
$$j_a =i v^d(- b_{ac}\partial_d c^c) \tag{4}$$
The energy-momentum tensor is:
$$T_{ad} =- b_{ac}\partial_d c^c = (\partial_d b_{ac}) c^c- \partial_d(b_{ac} c^c)\tag{5}$$
Because only the holomorphic part is not null (from equations of movement?), that is $b=b_{zz}, c = c^z$ we have:
$$T(z) = T_{zz} = (\partial_z b) c- \partial_z (b c)\tag{6}$$
[EDIT 2]
There is a correct derivation in this reference (see formula 1.14), but it is using the standard derivation of the energy-momentum tensor from the action relatively to the metrics. So, it seems that it is the only way. Of course, at the end of the variation of the action, we may always write $\delta g_{\mu\nu}=\epsilon (v_\mu \partial_\nu \rho + v_\nu \partial_\mu \rho)$, and then get the correct current $(4)$ and the current energy-momentum tensor $(5)$. We have to take care to that $b_{zz}$ and $c^z$ do not depend explicitly on the metrics.