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"resonant cavities" was too specific, added some more descriptors to make broader.
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Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects in resonant cavities, enhancingwaveguides or resonators, which enhance the interaction between light and matter.

Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects in resonant cavities, enhancing the interaction between light and matter.

Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects in cavities, waveguides or resonators, which enhance the interaction between light and matter.

Minor change in the excerpt for the tag info. While the first experiments in Cavity QED were on the change of lifetimes of atoms (Purcell effect), nowadays Cavity QED is such a rich field that I thought this tag guide was a bit restricting. I will try to improve the main info in the future.
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Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects on smallin resonant cavities, manifested in variations inenhancing the lifetimes of unstable energy levelsinteraction between light and matter.

Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects on small cavities, manifested in variations in the lifetimes of unstable energy levels

Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects in resonant cavities, enhancing the interaction between light and matter.

added first paragraph from wikipedia article
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Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects on small cavities, manifested in variations in the lifetimes of unstable energy levels

Cavity QED is the study of quantum effects on small cavities, manifested in variations in the lifetimes of unstable energy levels
