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Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert Einstein.
The context is taken from the book:
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through writings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had it come to his attention! "Otherwise" he said, "I would have mentioned it in my paper!" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through writings of Η. Α. Lοrentz, but only after 1905 had it come to his attention! "Otherwise" he said, "I would have mentioned it in my paper!" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οf electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role..."

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οf electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role..."

Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert Einstein.
The context is taken from the book:
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through writings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had it come to his attention! "Otherwise" he said, "I would have mentioned it in my paper!" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οf electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role..."

Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert Einstein.
The context is taken from the book:
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through writings of Η. Α. Lοrentz, but only after 1905 had it come to his attention! "Otherwise" he said, "I would have mentioned it in my paper!" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οf electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role..."

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Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert einsteinEinstein.
The context is taken from the book  :
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through 'writingswritings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had ίΙit come to his attention! 'Otherwise""Otherwise" he said, Ί"I would have mentioned it in my paper!'"" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could could be reconciled with our knowledge οίοf electro-dynamics. One can can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role...."

Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert einstein.
The context is taken from the book  :
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through 'writings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had ίΙ come to his attention! 'Otherwise" he said, Ί would have mentioned it in my paper!'" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οί electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role...."

Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert Einstein.
The context is taken from the book:
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through writings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had it come to his attention! "Otherwise" he said, "I would have mentioned it in my paper!" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οf electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role..."

reference added, spelling corrected.
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Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of under construction yetSTR by Albert einstein.
"ΙnThe context is taken from the book :
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through 'writings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had ίΙ come to his attention! 'Otherwise" he said, Ί would have mentioned it in my paper!'" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Miche\son's resu\tMichelson's result had not had a con- siderab\econsiderable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew οίof it at a11 \'hen Ιall when I wrote my first paper οπon the subject (1905). Τhe exp\ana- tionexplanation is that Ι was, for genera\general reasons, firm\yfirmly convinced how this cou\dcould be reconci\edreconciled with our knowIedgeknowledge οί e\ectroelectro-dynamics. One can therefore understand \vhy ίηwhy in my persona\ strugg\e MicheIson'spersonal struggle Michelson's experiment p\ayed πο ro\e ΟΓplayed no role or at \east ποleast no decisive ro\erole. 'Ύοu have my permission to quote this \etter. Ι am a\so \viIlίng to give you furtller expIanations ίf required "Sincere\y yours, A\bert Einstein".."

under construction yet
"Ιn my own development Miche\son's resu\t had not had a con- siderab\e influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew οί it at a11 \'hen Ι wrote my first paper οπ the subject (1905). Τhe exp\ana- tion is that Ι was, for genera\ reasons, firm\y convinced how this cou\d be reconci\ed with our knowIedge οί e\ectro-dynamics. One can therefore understand \vhy ίη my persona\ strugg\e MicheIson's experiment p\ayed πο ro\e ΟΓ at \east πο decisive ro\e. 'Ύοu have my permission to quote this \etter. Ι am a\so \viIlίng to give you furtller expIanations ίf required "Sincere\y yours, A\bert Einstein"

Did he knew about the Michelson-Morley experiment?

He just knew the name of the experiment not any details. The experiment didn't play any role in the formulation of STR by Albert einstein.
The context is taken from the book :
Special Theory of Relativity by V. A.; Atanov, Yuri (Trans.) Ugarov (Author)

Art: Was Michelson's experiment "decisive" for the creation οΙ the special theory οΙ relativity?

An article by R. Shankland, published in 1963, the following excerpt from his interview with Einstein dating back to 1950:

"When Ι asked him how he had learned of the Michelson Morley experiment, he told me that he had become aware of it through 'writings of Η. Α. lοrentz, but only after 1905 had ίΙ come to his attention! 'Otherwise" he said, Ί would have mentioned it in my paper!'" indeed, Einstein's 1905 paper contains no mention of Μichelson's experiment or references to Lorentz's papers."

A letter written by Albert Einstein:

"Ιn my own development Michelson's result had not had a considerable influence. Ι even do not remember if Ι knew of it at all when I wrote my first paper on the subject (1905). Τhe explanation is that Ι was, for general reasons, firmly convinced how this could be reconciled with our knowledge οί electro-dynamics. One can therefore understand why in my personal struggle Michelson's experiment played no role or at least no decisive role...."

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