I'm trying to learn about Grassmann numbersGrassmann numbers from the book "Condensed Matter Field Theory" by Altland and Simons, but I am currently encountering some difficulties. I have several smaller questions which are connected.
Does a Grassmann number $\eta_i$ and a creation operator $a^\dagger_j$ commute or anti-commute? Altland and Simons only defined $[\eta_i, a_j]_+ =0$. I would suggest to take the conjugate of this and arrive at an equation for the creation operator, but the authors refused to define a conjugation for Grassmann numbers as it can lead to some difficulties.
The authors defined functions of Grassmann numbers by its Taylor expansion: $f(\eta) = f(0)+f'(0)\eta$. But how do I get the equation $e^{-\eta a^\dagger} = 1-\eta a^\dagger$ which I encountered in several notes? The derivative of $e^{-x a^\dagger}$ is $-a^\dagger e^{-x a^\dagger}$. So I would guess that $e^{-\eta a^\dagger} = 1 - a^\dagger \eta$. One solution would be that a creation operator commutes with a Grassmann number, but I am not sure if this holds.
Can anyone recommend a good introduction to Grassmann numbers and their use in field theory which does not delve too deep into the mathematics but concentrates on performing calculations?