As an aside, the fact that the problem is with step (2), and not step (1), is one of the reasons this subject is so technical and difficult to explain at a "non expert physics" level. The issue isn't some grand philosophical question about what kind of guess makes sense. We have a specific theory -- general relativity -- and we have a specific procedure to follow -- quantization - the issue is that when carrying out tehthe procedure in detail, we don't arrive at useful predictions at high energies. On some level, the "right answer" to this is that we're doing something wrong, and the obvious way to write an "easy non-expert" answer would be to simply tell you what the wrong thing is and how to fix it, but we don't know how to fix the problem. So, that maybe gives some context for why it's so hard to give a non-technical explanation; all we can really say for sure is what goes wrong in the calculation if we try to follow the usual rules.