Consider a situation like this There is a rope of uniform mass $M$ whose one end is attached to a wall.
OfcObviously, the gravitational force $Mg$$mg$ and normal force are acting on it in vertical direction (that's not our concern).
My real concern is:
When I "push" on the rope, I basically apply a force on the end of the rope in the direction of the wall,the and the rope slacks.
My simple question is, since I apply a force $F$ on the rope (or more specifically on the atom which is at the farthest end of the rope), what is the Newton's 3rd law pair/reaction force of my Force $F$?
Now, even with themy basic knowledge, I have,that deduced that reaction force can't be tension as the rope is slacked,and under and there is NO way a slacked rope can produce tension
So yeah,my doubt is what's the 3rd law pair of the action force,which is me pushing on the rope with force $F$.
Also,even even though this question seems to be not so good,but but can someone explain why I don't possibly feel that force on my hand?