I would like to find the ground state energy of the following Hamiltonian:
$$H=-\frac{1}{2}\Delta -\frac{1}{r}-\frac{1}{2r}e^{-1.5r}$$where $-\frac{1}{r}-\frac{1}{2r}e^{-1.5r}$ is a Potential energy.
In order to do it I have chosen matrix method and have done it with two basis functions.
- The first basis functions which I used were Coulomb eigenfunctions (l=0 for ground state):
$$\text{Psi}(\text{r},\text{n})=\frac {2} {n^2} \sqrt{\frac{n!}{(n-1)!}} e^{-\frac{r}{n}} \, _1F_1\left(1-n;2;\frac{2 r}{n}\right)$$ where $_1F_1\left(1-n;2;\frac{2 r}{n}\right)$ is a Confluent hypergeometric function, $n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5...$
After constructed the matrix and finding eigenvalues I got the following energy minimum:
Emin = -0.670837 $\quad$ (using 6 basis functions)
Emin = -0.671109 $\quad$ (using 11 basis functions)
Emin = -0.671174 $\quad$ (using 16 basis functions) \
We can see that an increase in the number of the basis functions doesn't change the energy much, therefore the ground state energy is $\approx- 0.67$
- Now move to the second basis functions which I used, these were 3D oscillator eigenfunctions (again l=0 for ground state): $$\text{Psi}(\text{r},\text{n})\text{=}(-1)^n e^ {-\frac{r^2}{2} }\sqrt{\frac{2 n!}{\Gamma \left(n+\frac{3}{2}\right)}} L_n^{\frac{1}{2}}\left(r^2\right)$$ where $L_n^{\frac{1}{2}}\left(r^2\right)$ is a Laguerre polynomial, $n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ...$
Again after constructed the matrix and finding eigenvalues I got the following energy minimum:
Emin = -0.675029 $\quad$ (using 6 basis functions)
Emin = -0.697315 $\quad$ (using 11 basis functions)
Emin = -0.705009 $\quad$ (using 16 basis functions)
Emin = -0.709063 $\quad$ (using 21 basis functions) \
From this we can understand that the ground state energy $\approx -0.71$
Why the ground state energies received from different basis functions in 1. and 2. are different? While they must be the same.
Below you can see codes in Wolfram Mathematica, with the help of which I received the energies values.
In points (I) and (II) I have put the codes that are clear and simple, but these codes are calculated slowly. That's why in points (III) and (IV) I have put upgraded code that are calculated fast.
(I) and (III) are the codes based on Coulomb basis functions, (II) and (IV) are the codes based on 3D oscillator basis functions.
In[317]:= ClearAll["Global`*"]
nmax = 16;
(*Coulomb basis l=0*)
Psi[r_, n_] = (2 E^(-(r/n)) Sqrt[n!/(-1 + n)!] Hypergeometric1F1[
1 - n, 2, (2 r)/n])/n^2;
(*kinetic energy*)
Kk[r_, n1_, n2_] :=
Psi[r, n2]*
Laplacian[Psi[r, n1], {r, \[Theta], \[Phi]}, "Spherical"]];
Kx[n1_, n2_] := -1/2*Integrate[Kk[r, n1, n2]*r^2, {r, 0, \[Infinity]}];
KK = Table[Kx[n1, n2], {n1, 1, nmax}, {n2, 1, nmax}];
(*potential energy*)
VH1[r_] := -1/r;
VH2[r_] := -(1/(2*r))*Exp[-r*1.5];
Px1[n1_, n2_] :=
Integrate[Psi[r, n2]*VH1[r]*Psi[r, n1]*r^2, {r, 0, \[Infinity]}];
Px2[n1_, n2_] :=
Psi[r, n2]*FullSimplify[VH2[r]]*Psi[r, n1]*r^2, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}];
Px[n1_, n2_] := Px1[n1, n2] + Px2[n1, n2];
PP = Table[Px[n1, n2], {n1, 1, nmax}, {n2, 1, nmax}];
EE = Min[Eigenvalues[KK + PP]]
Out[329]= -0.671174
In[250]:= ClearAll["Global`*"]
nmax = 16;
(*Coulomb basis l=0*)
(*Psi[r_,n_]=(2 E^(-(r/n)) Sqrt[n!/(-1+n)!] \
Hypergeometric1F1[1-n,2,(2 r)/n])/n^2;*)
(*kinetic energy*)
ffk[a_, n_] =
Integrate[r^(n + 1)*Exp[-a*r], {r, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a > 0, n > 0}];
coeffk22[n_] := 2*Sqrt[n!/(-1 + n)!]/n^2;
coeffk11[n_] := 2/n^(7/2);
Kx1[n1_, n2_] :=
Kx1[n1, n2] =
If[n1 > n2, Kx1[n2, n1],
Total[Map[ffk[1/n1 + 1/n2, #[[1, 1]] + 1]*#[[2]] &,
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n1, 2, 2*r/n1]*
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n2, 2, 2*r/n2], r]]]];
fk[a_, n_] =
Integrate[r^n*Exp[-a*r], {r, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a > 0, n > 0}];
coeffk2[n_] := 2*Sqrt[n!/(-1 + n)!]/n^2;
coeffk1[n_] := (-1)*4/n^(3/2);
Kx2[n1_, n2_] :=
Kx2[n1, n2] =
If[n1 > n2, Kx2[n2, n1],
Total[Map[fk[1/n1 + 1/n2, #[[1, 1]] + 1]*#[[2]] &,
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n1, 2, 2*r/n1]*
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n2, 2, 2*r/n2], r]]]];
Kx[n1_, n2_] := -1/2*(N[Kx1[n1, n2]] + N[Kx2[n1, n2]])
KK = Table[Kx[n1, n2], {n1, 1, nmax}, {n2, 1, nmax}];
(*potential energy*)
f[a_, n_] =
Integrate[r^n*Exp[-a*r], {r, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a > 0, n > 0}];
coeff[n_] := 2*Sqrt[n!/(-1 + n)!]/n^2;
Px1[n1_, n2_] :=
Px1[n1, n2] =
If[n1 > n2, Px1[n2, n1],
Total[Map[f[1/n1 + 1/n2, #[[1, 1]] + 1]*#[[2]] &,
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n1, 2, 2*r/n1]*
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n2, 2, 2*r/n2], r]]]];
Px2[n1_, n2_] :=
Px2[n1, n2] =
If[n1 > n2, Px2[n2, n1],
Total[Map[f[1.5 + 1/n1 + 1/n2, #[[1, 1]] + 1]*#[[2]] &,
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n1, 2, 2*r/n1]*
Hypergeometric1F1[1 - n2, 2, 2*r/n2], r]]]];
Px[n1_, n2_] := N[Px1[n1, n2]] + N[Px2[n1, n2]];
PP = Table[Px[n1, n2], {n1, 1, nmax}, {n2, 1, nmax}];
EE = Min[Eigenvalues[KK + PP]]
Out[268]= -0.671174
In[1]:= ClearAll["Global`*"]
nmax = 10;
(*3d oscillator basis (l=0)*)
Psi[r_, n_] := (-1)^n *Exp[-1/2 *r^2] *Sqrt[2 *n!/Gamma[n + 3/2]]*
LaguerreL[n, 1/2, r^2];
(*kinetic energy*)
Kk[r_, n1_, n2_] :=
Psi[r, n2]*
Laplacian[Psi[r, n1], {r, \[Theta], \[Phi]}, "Spherical"]];
Kx[n1_, n2_] := -1/2*Integrate[Kk[r, n1, n2]*r^2, {r, 0, \[Infinity]}];
KK = Table[Kx[n1, n2], {n1, 0, nmax}, {n2, 0, nmax}];
(*potential energy*)
VH1[r_] := -1/r;
VH2[r_] := -(1/(2*r))*Exp[-r*1.5];
Px1[n1_, n2_] :=
Integrate[Psi[r, n2]*VH1[r]*Psi[r, n1]*r^2, {r, 0, \[Infinity]}];
Px2[n1_, n2_] :=
Psi[r, n2]*FullSimplify[VH2[r]]*Psi[r, n1]*r^2, {r,
0, \[Infinity]}];
Px[n1_, n2_] := Px1[n1, n2] + Px2[n1, n2];
PP = Table[Px[n1, n2], {n1, 0, nmax}, {n2, 0, nmax}];
EE = Min[Eigenvalues[KK + PP]]
Out[13]= -0.697315
In[358]:= ClearAll["Global`*"]
nmax = 10;
(*3d oscillator basis*)
(*Psi[r_,n_]:=(-1)^n *Exp[-1/2 *r^2] *Sqrt[2 *n!/Gamma[n+3/2]]* \
(*kinetic energy*)
nmx = nmax;
hm = ConstantArray[0, {nmx + 1, nmx + 1}];
Do[hm[[1 + n1, 1 + n2]] =
KroneckerDelta[n1 - n2]*(n1 + 3/4) -
Sqrt[(2 (n1)^2 + (n1))/8] KroneckerDelta[n1 - n2 - 1];
hm[[1 + n2, 1 + n1]] = hm[[1 + n1, 1 + n2]];, {n1, 0, nmx}, {n2, 0,
KK = N[hm];
(*potential energy*)
f0[a_, n_] =
Integrate[r^n*Exp[-r^2]*Exp[-a*r], {r, 0, Infinity},
Assumptions -> {a > 0, n > 0}];
f[a_, n_] := f[a, n] = N[f0[a, n], 100];
coeff[n_] := (-1)^n*Sqrt[2*n!/Gamma[n + 3/2]];
(*Coulomb part VH1[r]*)
Px1[n1_, n2_] :=
Px1[n1, n2] =
If[n1 > n2, Px1[n2, n1],
Total[Map[Function[{x}, f[0, x[[1, 1]] + 1]*x[[2]]],
LaguerreL[n1, 1/2, r^2]*LaguerreL[n2, 1/2, r^2], r]]] // N];
Px2[n1_, n2_] :=
Px2[n1, n2] =
If[n1 > n2, Px2[n2, n1],
Total[Map[Function[{x}, f[-1.5, x[[1, 1]] + 1]*x[[2]]],
LaguerreL[n1, 1/2, r^2]*LaguerreL[n2, 1/2, r^2], r]]] // N];
Px[n1_, n2_] := Px1[n1, n2] + Px2[n1, n2];
PP = Table[Re[Px[n1, n2]], {n1, 0, nmax}, {n2, 0, nmax}];
EE = Min[Eigenvalues[KK + PP]]
Out[371]= -0.697315