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Descriptions of setups and findings involving clocks can also involve distinct observers (in the following a.k.a. receivers) which (in general) perceived, and possibly then analyze, relevant signals having originated from the given clocks. While terminology referring to a clock itself has been considered and discussed already, I'm hereby looking for terminology suitable and distinctive for receivers.

Given one identifiable tick indication of a clock --
How do we call the corresponding perception indication of a receiver ?

(For lack of reference with any other suggestions, I've been referring to "the tick-response" indication of a receiver, already e.g. in the title above; and also in the following.)

In case that the tick-response indicationindications of a receiver "occured regularly", i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiver between its (successive)successive tick-response indications corresponding to (in general successive) tick indications signalled by the clock --
How do we call the corresponding rate (a.k.a. frequency) of the receiver ?

(Surely we would not call it "rate of the clock", or "frequency of the clock", since that would be misattribution, and thereby confusing. By default, in the following I'll refer to "the reception rate" of the receiver.)

In case that, moreover, the tick indications of the clock "occured regularly" as well, i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiverclock between its successive tick indications --
How do we call the ratio between "the reception rate" of the receiver and the tick tick rate of the clock ?

Descriptions of setups and findings involving clocks can also involve distinct observers (in the following a.k.a. receivers) which (in general) perceived, and possibly then analyze, relevant signals having originated from the given clocks. While terminology referring to a clock itself has been considered and discussed already, I'm hereby looking for terminology suitable and distinctive for receivers.

Given one identifiable tick indication of a clock --
How do we call the corresponding perception indication of a receiver ?

(For lack of reference with any other suggestions, I've been referring to "the tick-response" indication of a receiver, already e.g. in the title above; and also in the following.)

In case that the tick-response indication of a receiver "occured regularly", i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiver between its (successive) tick-response indications corresponding to successive tick indications signalled by the clock --
How do we call the corresponding rate (a.k.a. frequency) of the receiver ?

(Surely we would not call it "rate of the clock", or "frequency of the clock", since that would be misattribution, and thereby confusing. By default, in the following I'll refer to "the reception rate" of the receiver.)

In case that, moreover, the tick indications of the clock "occured regularly" as well, i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiver between its successive tick indications --
How do we call the ratio between "the reception rate" of the receiver and the tick tick of the clock ?

Descriptions of setups and findings involving clocks can also involve distinct observers (in the following a.k.a. receivers) which (in general) perceived, and possibly then analyze, relevant signals having originated from the given clocks. While terminology referring to a clock itself has been considered and discussed already, I'm hereby looking for terminology suitable and distinctive for receivers.

Given one identifiable tick indication of a clock --
How do we call the corresponding perception indication of a receiver ?

(For lack of reference with any other suggestions, I've been referring to "the tick-response" indication of a receiver, already e.g. in the title above; and also in the following.)

In case that the tick-response indications of a receiver "occured regularly", i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiver between its successive tick-response indications corresponding to (in general successive) tick indications signalled by the clock --
How do we call the corresponding rate (a.k.a. frequency) of the receiver ?

(Surely we would not call it "rate of the clock", or "frequency of the clock", since that would be misattribution, and thereby confusing. By default, in the following I'll refer to "the reception rate" of the receiver.)

In case that, moreover, the tick indications of the clock "occured regularly" as well, i.e. with equal, constant duration of the clock between its successive tick indications --
How do we call the ratio between "the reception rate" of the receiver and the tick rate of the clock ?

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Conceptual relations between tick indications of a clock and corresponding tick-response indications of a receiver observing that clock

Descriptions of setups and findings involving clocks can also involve distinct observers (in the following a.k.a. receivers) which (in general) perceived, and possibly then analyze, relevant signals having originated from the given clocks. While terminology referring to a clock itself has been considered and discussed already, I'm hereby looking for terminology suitable and distinctive for receivers.

Given one identifiable tick indication of a clock --
How do we call the corresponding perception indication of a receiver ?

(For lack of reference with any other suggestions, I've been referring to "the tick-response" indication of a receiver, already e.g. in the title above; and also in the following.)

In case that the tick-response indication of a receiver "occured regularly", i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiver between its (successive) tick-response indications corresponding to successive tick indications signalled by the clock --
How do we call the corresponding rate (a.k.a. frequency) of the receiver ?

(Surely we would not call it "rate of the clock", or "frequency of the clock", since that would be misattribution, and thereby confusing. By default, in the following I'll refer to "the reception rate" of the receiver.)

In case that, moreover, the tick indications of the clock "occured regularly" as well, i.e. with equal, constant duration of the receiver between its successive tick indications --
How do we call the ratio between "the reception rate" of the receiver and the tick tick of the clock ?