I've changed your bullet points: In the continuous sum $$ \Psi(x,0)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\Phi(k)e^{ikx}dk\,,$$
$\frac{e^{ik_0x}}{\sqrt{2\pi}}$ plays the role of the eigenstate $ψ_i(x)$ for a particular $k_0$, rather than just ${e^{ik_0x}}$, because the state needs to be in normalized (in a sense to be discussed below)
${\Phi (k_0)}$ plays the role of the coefficient $\alpha_i$; we don't include the $dk$ for reasons explained below, and we've already moved off the factor of $\sqrt{2\pi}$
In moving from the discrete case to the continuous case, we can no longer talk about the probability of a getting a particular value upon measuring an observable. Instead, we proceed as follows.
First of all, imagine we're measuring a continuous variable, say the position of a particle, but we can only measure the position to be in certain regions rather than at particular places (e.g., we lack perfect precision in our measurement. In other words, we have bins of size, say, $\Delta x$, so that we measure the position to be in $\dots,[-2\Delta x, -\Delta x]$, $[-\Delta x, 0]$, $[0, \Delta x]$, $[\Delta x, 2\Delta x],\dots$ and so on. Then, we can talk about the probability $P_j$ of measuring the position to be in bin $j$, i.e., in the bin $[j\Delta x, (j+1)\Delta x]$ so that the probability of finding the position being anywhere is of course 1, i.e. $$ 1= \sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} P_j\,. $$ Now, imagine that we want to make $\Delta x$ smaller and smaller, so that we are refining the precision of our measurement. In fact, let's take the limit as $\Delta x\to0$. How do we do this? Well, write $$ 1= \sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} {P_j} =\sum_{j=-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{P\left(j\Delta x\leq x \leq(j+1)\Delta x\right)}{\Delta x}\Delta x\,. $$ In order for the limit to make sense, the quantity $P_j/\Delta x$ should approach a finite limit $p(x)$ as $\Delta x \to0$. We can then interpret $p(x)$ as a probability per unit length; that is, it is a probability density. The assumption that the limit exists is a reasonable assumption, because it essentially means that as long as $\Delta x$ is small enough, doubling the interval implies that we've doubled the probability that we can find the particle in the interval.
Now, accordingly, $p(x)\Delta x$ is approximately the probability that the particle is found between $x$ and $x+\Delta x$, and hence the probability of finding the particle at $x$ is zero. This is just the way that probability distributions for continuous variables work. Finally, then, the sum above becomes the limit, i.e. $$ 1=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p(x)\,dx\,. $$
Moving back to the quantum discussion, then, $|\Phi(k)|^2$ plays the role of a probability density function, and therefore $|\Phi(k)|^2dk$ is the probability that the momentum of the particle is measured to be in the interval $[k, k+dx]$. We can verify that this makes sense at least mathematically buy using the (distributional) fact that $$ \delta (k-k_0) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{e^{i(k-k_0)x}}{2\pi}dk $$ to verify that $$ 1 = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} |\Phi(k)|^2dk\,. $$ (This is why $\sqrt{2\pi}$ is attached to the basis function: it is essentially the normalization factor of the basis function. Re the last comment in the OP about the factor of $2\pi$ in the exponent of the exponential: this would indeed render the normalization factors equal to 1. However, note that $$ \frac{\hbar}{i} \frac{d}{dx}e^{i2\pi k x} = (\hbar 2\pi k) e^{i2\pi k x}\,, $$ so that the eigenvalue of the momentum operator is $p = \hbar 2\pi k$. This means that you have to re-interpret the value $k$: it is no longer the wave number; instead it is the reciprocal of the de Broglie wavelength, directly. This is fine, but it's not the convention normally chosen.)