Typically, when you havewant to require a symmetry you choose to restrict the allowed terms in your Lagrangian to a smaller subset, this subset being the terms that are singletsinglets under the symmetry group. For example, consider the Lagrangian of two fields $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$. If it depends only on the combinations $$ \phi_1^2+\phi_2^2\,,\quad(\partial\phi_1)^2+(\partial\phi_2)^2\,, $$ then there is an $\mathrm{SO}(2)$ symmetry. This statement amounts to saying that terms such as $\phi^2_1$ or $\phi_1\phi_2$ are absent.
Now suppose that you write down all terms that involve the particles you are considering and which are relevant. Relevant here meansis meant in an RG sense, namely terms that survive in the infra-red. If all these terms happen to be singlets of a certain group, then so be it, your Lagrangian is going to have that symmetry. But it was not a deliberate choice, it's just what is forced upon you when you go to low energies.
Because of this fact such symmetries are called "accidental."
An example of this is QED which is $\mathsf{P}$ invariant but just because you can't write any $\mathsf{P}$-breaking term that has dimension below four which is made only of electrons and photons.