I am trying to make this question a generic one. That's why it contains seemingly many questions.
Light source --> slit-plate --> spherical screen
Consider the classical double slit experiment with single photons. Assume that we replace the flat screen, which detects photons, with a complete sphere around the slit-plate and the light source. Also, coat the slit-plate with a special material to prevent reflection. In this scenario, what would we observe on different regions of the spherical detector, i.e. top, right etc? As an example, would the photons form an interference pattern behind the light source somehow?
Additionally, does the "vertical" dimension of the slits have any effect on the result in such configuration? What would we observe on the sphere when:
a. the slits are very long/tall compared to the wavelength, like this: " ||_|| "
b. the slits are very short, i.e. the same height as the wavelength, like this " .._.. " ? (Note that slits are open on top and bottom)