Nearly a similar problem I have just encountered, which I have found the solution with FEMM simulation.
Let there be 100 V charged cylinder of 0.5 cm radius (planar problem) having 10 cm depth. Let there be a plate having 100 Sq cm area placed near the charged sphere as shown in the following planar geometry.
After implementing and solving above physical system in FEMM, found out the flux D.n through the plate using the plate as contour.
Put the zero charge equivalent to "Flux through plate/20.0 on the plate by using conductor properties. Again obtaining the solution. FollwingFollowing voltage observed every whereeverywhere on the plate. Also, equipotential lines suggestssuggest the correct solution.
I don't know why I need to divide by 20the theory behind it. Somebody from acadamicsacademics may explain this in a better way