Can someone give a review of good books to learn semiclassical physics? Somehow, I would like to know if there is a text at the level of Lanczos or Gelfand. By this, I mean that I am interested in the combination of semiclassical physics with variational problems in the context of QFT (with the variational problems at the level of the aforementioned authors).
If there existsexist semiclassical books based on quantum optics, it will be also be fine. The point is a book in which one can do the maths and later with an advanced treatise formalized what has been learned.
The book Semi-Classical Approximation in Quantum Mechanics by Maslov and FedoriukMaslov and Fedoriuk seems to be the standard reference, but it's quite dated and is advanced.
I don't look for specific chapters of books where this is treated, I am looking for a basic monograph which is mainly focused inon this topic.