TL;DR: The quantization condition $$n_r ~:=~ n-\ell -1 ~\in\mathbb{N}_0 \tag{A}$$ follows by looking for normalizable wavefunction solutions $R(r)$ to the radial TISE with a fixed $\ell$ value. Here the radial quantum number $n_r$ is the number of nodes, cf. the node theorem in 1D QM.
In more detail: Schematically, one first solves $R(r)$ in the regions for small & large radial coordinate $r$. After factoring out the newly found asymptotic behaviours, one obtains a function $v(r)$, where (due to the TISE) the coefficients of its power series satisfy a recursion relation. It turns out that the series $v(r)$ must truncate in order for the solution $R(r)$ not to alter its asymptotic behaviour. This leads to the quantization condition (A), cf. e.g. Ref. 1. $\Box$
Classically, $n_r=0$ corresponds to circular orbits, i.e. no radial motion.
- D. Griffiths, Intro to QM, 1995; subsection 4.2.1.