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David Z
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How does N95 respiratordo electrostatic air filter media workfilters maintain their charge?

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How does N95 respirator electrostatic air filter media work?

3M meets the N95 filtration specification on disposable respirators by constructing them with "electrostatically charged microfiber filter media."

How does air filter fabric stay charged? Fun grade school demonstrations involving everything from balloons to Van de Graaff generators show how rubbing certain materials together can impart an electrostatic charge, and that attractive charge can be observed as hair, paper, and other items are drawn towards the charged material. But the same demonstrations show that the electrostatic charge dissipates on contact with the same items that are attracted to it. In fact, the charge will dissipate over time just through contact with air.

I imagine that charged media can be sandwiched between two layers of electrostatic insulators to prevent discharge on contact with hair, skin, clothing, etc. But given that the sandwich has to be permeable to large volumes of air (for respiration), how is a charge maintained on the media for any significant length of time?

(Related question: By what mechanism does electrostatic media aid in particulate filtration?)